Dangerous goods” course
- Start date: April 8
- End: April 24
- Days: Monday and Wednesday
- Hours: 11 to 1 p.m.
- Days: 6
- Total duration: 12 hours
- Distance mode
The course foreseen in the Ordinance of the Prefectura Naval Argentina (DPAM) N° 05/11, “MANDATORY TRAINING RULES FOR LAND PERSONNEL INVOLVED IN MARITIME, FLUVIAL AND LACUSTRE TRANSPORTATION OF HAZARDOUS GOODS”, corresponding to Levels 1 and 2 of Functions 1, 2, and 3, corresponding to Levels 1 and 2 of Functions 1, 2, and 3, preparing the student to face the assessment to be carried out by the competent authority (PNA) according to the last amendment in force on an optional basis as of January 1, 2023 (Amendment 41/22 of the IMDG Code).
To ensure that participants acquire the necessary knowledge regarding the transport of dangerous goods by the different modes, and the provisions established by national and international legislation governing this specific subject and risk communication as specified in the IMDG Code and GHS/GHS, in order to be able to face the examinations established by the Competent Authority (PNA).
Addressed to
To employees of shipping agencies, shipowners, port terminals, shippers, exporters, importers and in general to any person related to the operation of international transport by water involved in the interpretation and preparation of documentation of dangerous goods for transport and to those interested in operational aspects related to chemical safety.
Distance classes, with virtual media assistance, transmission of theoretical and practical concepts and teacher’s experience with active student participation.
Modalidad a distancia, a partir del lunes 8 de abril de 2024 durante seis jornadas, los días lunes y miércoles de 11 a 13 horas
Ya está abierta la inscripción para la nueva edición del Curso de “MERCANCÍAS PELIGROSAS” según Ordenanza PNA N° 05/11, el cual será dictado bajo la modalidad a distancia, a partir del lunes 8 de abril de 2024 durante seis jornadas, los días lunes y miércoles de 11 a 13 horas.
- $ 100.000 – Socios del Centro de Navegación
- $ 130.000 – Público en General